LCC6 Relay

The LCC6 Relay had so many participants that we divided it up into two rings; both rings started with the same starter text. Results from both rings are posted below.

Ring 1

1 John Quijada Ithkuil  Sun, Feb 22  Text
2 Fenhl Wanya Mon, Feb 23  Wed, Feb 25  Text
3 David Peterson Dothraki Thu, Feb 26  Fri, Feb 27  Text
4 Christian Thalmann Jovian Fri, Feb 27  Fri, Feb 27  Text
5 Tony Harris Alurhsa Fri, Feb 27  Sat, Feb 28  Text
6 Sylvia Sotomayor sodemadu Sat, Feb 28  Mon, Mar 2  Text
7 Alexis Hugelmann Old Greedian Mon, Mar 2  Wed, Mar 4  Text
8 Jan van Steenbergen Interslavic Thu, Mar 5  Sun, Mar 8  Text
9 Jan Strasser Ree Rɛɛ Kıbyaa Mon, Mar 9  Thu, Mar 12  Text
10 John Q Ithkuil Thu, Mar 12  Text


Ring 2

1 John Quijada Ithkuil  Wed, Feb. 25  Text
2 Eugene Oh Classical Arithide Thu, Feb 26  Sun, Mar 1  Text
3 John Clifford toki pona Sun, Mar 1  Sun, Mar 1  Text
4 L.J. Garcia Okuro Mon, Mar 2  Mon, Mar 2  Text
5 Lee Walter Varindjo Mon, Mar 2  Tue, Mar 3  Text
6 William Barton Semkanya Wed, Mar 4  Thu, Mar 5  Text
7 Ángel Serrano Aingeljã Thu, Mar 5  Sun, Mar 8  Text
8 Daniel Quigly Dhanyelle Sun, Mar 8  Mon, Mar 9  Text
9 Jeff Jones Mar01 Fri, Mar 13  Sat, Mar 14  Text
10 Jim Henry gjâ-zym-bym Sun, Mar 15  Mon, Mar 16  Text
11 Glenn Abastillas Tapni Mon, Mar 16  Fri, Mar 20  Text
12 Sydney Nyman Color Script Sat, Mar 21  Sun, Mar 22  Text
13 John Quijada Ithkuil Sun, Mar 22  Text


LCC6 Conlang Relay Results

The charts below provide a summary of the changes made from the initial text to the final translation to better compare the results from the two rings (the individual text links in the charts above provide the texts to demonstrate just how these changes came about).


ITHKUIL Starter Text


Âkale Zatqî’asâlgoù

Tasedhu tu éijvaisente apšařteldhú uţcaetöát. Ôndasaldhóňg ôčnoezgêêçt hwúp’ai’seza ôxaelöat.

Iùřţ ork airîxhalúi tu erdh epšasořk ta ëitmalòptûňň embatumxe öň âlg ârç ekoltatê

Aičhalûc’ tu draptróq’ ate’s tçi’adhuaňž uţcotuaffaňé slötöwa idras te żâ’ôsuams.

A Descent Into Madness

I’m wasting my life re-enacting weird scenes from my dreams. I’m hoping to make sense of my mind’s fruitless schemes.

I try over and over to figure out where I belong
but the maps have been faked and the roadsigns are blurred.

So I’ll make my own rules for living in chaos and let nightmares be my guides in the dark.


Results of Ring 1




Żučni’eloa iačhak’wocoss to eixhalexhurzöň tu.
Uţcás oeçthiwa âvasöň. Üm-m eip’attuqhořčúr tei.

Exhalîspoňň ti ígwala smâ’ulüx. Arc’ál te otpombuidduss ekalürtļaň. Heskhatruc’èlxhürtļ.

Hečnalub tu lchalaň utçočnalařföňiù tei. Užasúb čnapqa ti
öň heskhatrîštóřç.


At night while sleeping, I create a great many remarkable things, and I alone imagine them for myself.
I dream about them and I enjoy them.
Indeed, I really could achieve every goal I seek.

However, I see now I’m walking on a vast plain.
All the landmarks deceive me, and I lose my way.
Thus I unfortunately cannot make it to the end of the road.

But then the morning sun begins to shine.
I wake up, I stand, and I must be aware of the world. Oh, how I definitely love the onset of sleep,
and I believe I can reach the end of the road after all.


Results of Ring 2


Ečnatiss ti żü’osuss. Xalûr akhiwa ční’esiss ti. Uţcawilaróll oekhiwa.
Apkamzaluaţořţea tu apkái’lüq’a ki exxalúkt kô. Mzalürţ ti úţci’alûrţ ti.

Ëilthasošt âvalar ti.
Xata llilúkt allatùktîp żi’alukt.
Xóitara ti upšaluktöt’ üxxawàckûb uţcaetuaffé tô. Svas ti ácxap’wa te ulthoddöt’ cúiwalup xha.


I slept all day. When I sleep, I almost see you.
I wish I didn’t dream about you.
I try to forget the feeling that you secretly feel your power.
When I dream this way, I remember that.
At least there are demons I don’t enjoy.
This one saw those others today.
Since I didn’t see this, maybe I’ve more power in my nightmares. I fear demons touching me, maybe because they’re the same.


Conlang Relay Rules

The rules we used for this relay are provided below:

  1. When the text is handed off to you, you will receive the latest iteration of the relay text with all the instructions and information necessary to translate it. That should include:
    1. The text, of course, in a readable format (either in IPA, X-SAMPA, or some type of romanization).
    2. Enough grammatical information to decipher the text (e.g., if the text has a headless relative, then there had better be an explanation in the grammar of how headless relatives work in that language. If you have a website, you’re encouraged to provide a link to it in your e-mail).
    3. A glossary, including all the necessary lexical information needed to translate the text (i.e., don’t put your entire dictionary into the e-mail, but do include all the roots used, and all the necessary information to be able to derive each of the forms used in the text).
    4. An explanation of the abbreviations and terminology used. (You can assume every participant will know that, e.g., “n” = “noun”, “v” = “verb”, and “adj” = “adjective, but if “nom” = “nominalizer” and not “nominative”, be sure to say so.)
  2. With all the information you have received, start deciphering the text. If you are really struggling (or if the stuff you received lacks some vital info), you may query the preceding conlanger by private email, but remember that he/she may not give you a sustained translation. If you are still having trouble and feel you cannot, for whatever reason, translate the text, notify the Relay Master and the Relay List immediately, so that the text can be passed on to the next participant. Should this happen, you can request to be moved to the end (time permitting).
    1. Translate the text into your own conlang. If there are things you still don’t understand in the source language, make an educated guess: it’s better to have a consistent story based on a more-than-free translation than a word-for-word translation that makes no sense.
    2. After you have made a version in your own language, send three emails:
      1. To the next participant: the new text in your language, glossary and grammatical instruction (enough grammatical information to translate the text), but NO SMOOTH ENGLISH TRANSLATION. (This latter is extremely important, as passing on an English translation will, in effect, ruin the relay—or, at the very least, the turn of the following player.) Important: do not give more information than necessary for deciphering the text.
      2. To the Relay Master: the same as above, but INCLUDING A SMOOTH ENGLISH TRANSLATION of the text in your conlang. Optionally, you may also add a smooth translation of the text you received; such a translation will demonstrate how well you have understood your source text, and how you implemented that into your own conlang.
      3. To the Relay List: an announcement that you have passed the torch to so and so. Important: DO NOT POST YOUR TRANSLATION TO THE LIST!!!
  3. You have 48 hours to complete your task. If nobody has heard anything from you after that period, you will mercilessly be passed over. If you see in advance that you won’t be able to remain within the schedule, please notify the Relay Master and the relay list as soon as possible, so that you can be either rescheduled or given a dispensation. A typical “relay day” starts at 12:00 AM (CST) and ends at 11:59 PM (CST).
  4. When the relay is concluded, the Relay Master will collect the results, and prepare them for presentation on the second day of the Sixth Language Creation Conference, where the results of the first ring will be presented. Those participants in attendance (unless they object) will be asked to briefly present their leg of the relay to the audience (and, if you can, read it aloud!). For the second ring, results will be posted either at the same time or shortly after the conference.
  5. For the website, soundbytes of all versions of the text are encouraged, but of course not required. Same goes for a version of the text in conscripts, etc. You can send these soundbytes and/or conscripts directly to the Relay Master.
  6. If you have any questions about anything at any point during the relay, please e-mail the Relay Master.