Language Creation Conference
The 11th Language Creation Conference will be held on April 11–13, 2025, in College Park, Maryland. Presentation proposals are due January 28, 2025. LCC12 2026 hosting proposals are due February 28, 2025. See LCC11 page for details.
The Language Creation Conference (LCC) is an international conference discussing issues related to the craft of language creation, or “conlanging”. The conference is a set of talks and panel discussions about various issues related to language creation from several different perspectives. It includes both fairly technical linguistic discussions as well as more artistic, sociological, or philosophical ones; examples of craft in action; voices from many parts of the conlanging community; and opportunities to socialize with fellow conlangers from all over the world.
Every two years or so, the Language Creation Society holds a LCC. We have an official Code of Conduct and a LCC Venue Selection Procedure that all LCS members are encouraged to review regularly. Presenters include people from many parts of the conlanging community and from all over the world. All proceeds go to the LCS.
The 11th Language Creation Conference will be held on April 11–13, 2025, at the University of Maryland College Park Language Science Center
Host the next Language Creation Conference where you live!
If you like event planning and would love to have the LCC occur in your area, consider being an LCC Host. More information can be found in the LCC Host Checklist [.pdf] and on the LCC Venue Selection Procedure page.
Past LCC Site Pages and Info
LCC | Date | Location | Host |
10th Language Creation Conference | 22-23 April 2023 | digital/online | LCS Board |
9th LCC (dLCC 2021) | 6-7 March 2021 | digital/online | LCS Board |
8th Language Creation Conference | 22-23 June 2019 | Cambridge, UK | Bettina Beinhoff |
7th Language Creation Conference | 22-23 July 2017 | Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Joseph W. Windsor and Dr. Christine Schreyer |
6th Language Creation Conference | 25-26 April 2015 | Horsham, UK | Peter Bleackley |
5th Language Creation Conference | 4-5 May 2013 | Austin, TX, USA | Alex Sands |
4th Language Creation Conference | 14-15 May 2011 | Groningen, Netherlands | Christophe Grandsire-Koevoets |
3rd Language Creation Conference | 21-22 March 2009 | Providence, RI, USA | David Durand |
2nd Language Creation Conference | 7-8 July 2007 | Berkeley, CA, USA | Sai & Alex Fink |
1st Language Creation Conference | 23 April 2006 | Berkeley, CA, USA | Sai |