Membership Payment

Thank you for filling out the membership form. You are not yet done! Please use one of the following payment options to pay for your membership. We will not process your membership until we receive payment. All fees are shown in United States dollars.

Note: the PayPal subscription will last until PayPal decides to cancel it, usually because something in your account changed. You can cancel your subscription through PayPal, or we can cancel it for you.


One-year payment

Lifetime membership


Use Amazon to pay for a regular $35/year membership or a student $25/year membership.

Regular Student


We no longer offer subscriptions through Amazon.

Paying by Check

A regular membership is $35/year while a student membership is $25/year. To pay by check or money order, make it out to “Language Creation Society” and mail to:

Language Creation Society – Membership
10900 Research Blvd, #160C-72
Austin, TX 78759
United States of America

Please do not send cash. The check must be in United States dollars from a United States bank.

Regarding Membership Perks

After we receive your payment, we will process your membership. You will receive a welcome email from You will also eventually receive renewal notices from For more information about membership perks, please see the Become a Member page.

Note: All letters and pins will be sent out once a month or so. If you haven’t received your pin yet, you’ll receive it when we send out letters and pins next month, regardless of your membership status at that time.