LCC8 Call for Proposals

To submit an abstract for presentation, please email your abstract to: by March 1, 2019. Your abstract should not exceed 250 words (pictures/graphs/figures, and references do not count towards word limit) and include the following important information:

  • Title
  • Author(s) names (with optional affiliation)
  • Author(s) email address(s)
  • Preferred presentation type (poster presentation, oral presentation, or either is fine [indicate preference if either type is fine])

After the deadline for submissions, we will review abstracts and confirm acceptance of those who are invited to present at the conference. At that time, we will indicate if abstracts have been accepted for a poster presentation or an oral presentation. Note: The length of presentations will not be finalized until presenters are confirmed.

Presenters will likely have a 30-minute window for presentations (20-minutes for talks, 10-minutes for questions/discussion); a select few presenters will be offered a 60-minute slot (45-minutes for talks, 15-minutes for questions/discussion); presentations on a single conlang by its creator may be limited to 15 minutes total. A dedicated spot in the program will be reserved for attendees to view poster presentations and discuss with the authors. These times may be adjusted based on requirements of the final program.

Additionally, we are also seeking proposals for panel discussions. You may also submit a proposal for a panel discussion on a topic relevant to conlanging (for example, at LCC7, we had a panel discussion on the role of conlanging in the academy). If you wish to submit a panel proposal, please give a short description of the topic to be discussed; a couple example questions that the moderator could start off the discussion with; and, three-to-five panelists to populate the panel, with a brief bio for each panelist. You should discuss the proposal with your suggested panelists before submission to confirm that the panelists are willing to be involved, and that they plan to attend the conference.

All documents should be submitted in PDF format. Thank you!