4. Okuro Text


“Pou kruku kemara”

Neso, ku eyeda sayara. Ve tera kelera mi kona pou kal. Pou kura mi yeda ve okula kalare sin mi okwe ko me. Mi yeda nom kaya mi okwe, ak kai ka ta: Kele kai pou mi adkahia. Mi ata fi kitesa mi ‘ara, ak okula ma ‘ara fi toku na pono me pou toku. Ta keyu me osa: Mi koro kai bra mu tokunari min kona pou mi adkahia, kai nosa toku kelera.


English Translation

“Toward Lower Craziness”

Awaken, you travel rapidly away. Of all time I exist in the day. In sleep I travel by great images where my desires guide me. I come not obtaining my goals, but believing in this: Everything is in my head. I try to come to see my path, but the images cause the path to darken and direct me to darkness. For that brings me to this conclusion: My guide is only a fearful thing that rests inside my head, belonging to all darkness.


Grammar and Vocabulary

Akáarian (Okuro) grammar is quite simple;

  • there are no verb tenses
  • the grammar follows a strict SVO word order and NA.
  • There are no articles

Okuro has a group of prefixes and suffixes that identify certain aspects of each stem. They are as listed;

  • -sa            to ‘do’ for
  • -so            command
  • e-              away from the speaker
  • i-               toward the speaker
  • -ro            one that does
  • o-             plural (noun)
  • -ri             adjective/adverb (common (masculine and feminine))
  • -ra            adjective/adverb (neuter)
  • -re            adjective/adverb ((all) plural)

To help you get a better understanding of each, an example of each is shown below in the same order.

  • Mi tasa I [have]-love-for you.
  • Paraso! kill!
  • Mi eyeda I travel away (from)
  • Mi iyeda I travel closer (to)
  • tari loving(ly) M/F
  • tara loving(ly) N
  • tare loving(ly) Pl.

*take to mind even though there are no verb tenses, the present progressive can be formed by adding ‘kai’ (now) between the subject and the verb. The bare stem is used as either a verb or a noun.

e.g.: Mi  kai  yeda.   I am going.

And now for all the rest of the stems you require to translate this text. Remember, each stem can act as either a verb or a noun!:

‘ara-                road/path

adkahia-          head

ak-                   but

ata-                 try

bra-                 just/only

fi-                    to (prep.)

ka-                   believe/think/trust

kai-                  now

kal-                  day

kala-                great

kaya-               get/obtain/receive

ke-                   you (accusative/dative)

kele-                all

keyu-               give

kite-                 see

ko-                   help/guide

kona-               live

ku-                   you (nominative/genitive)

kula-                image

kura-               sleep

kwe-                want/desire

ma-                 make (cause)

me-                  me

mi-                   I/my

min-                who/whom/what

mu-                 thing

na-                  and

ne-                  wake (up)

no-                  belong

nom-               no/not

osa-                 end/conclusion

pono-               direct(ion)

pou-                 in/on/at/to/from

saya-               quick

sin-                  where

ta-                   this/that

tera-               time

toku-               evil/darkness/negativity

tokuna-           scare

ve-                   of/for/from

yeda-               go/travel