LCC11 Registration

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Registration form

Please fill out this form to register, and pay below.

You can pay jointly, but please fill out the registration form separately for each person.

Standard pricing

Click here to pay once you’ve added all standard amount items to your cart:

  1. LCC11 attendance (per person ≥13 years old)
  2. In person registration covers snacks & drinks all three days; lunch on Saturday & Sunday; and dinner with a (streamed & recorded) Riddlesbrood show on Saturday. It does not include Friday lunch, Friday dinner, or Sunday dinner.

    Registered by March 11 (early registration discount):

    • $75 in person — non LCS member
    • $60 in person — LCS member
    • $20 online — non LCS member
    • $15 online — LCS member
    • as able — financial need
    Registered after March 11, including at the door (cash accepted):

    • $95 in person — non LCS member
    • $80 in person — LCS member
    • $30 online — non LCS member
    • $25 online — LCS member
    • as able — financial need

    The LCS is a non-profit. Our YouTube live streams and recorded videos will be free, as always. However, running the LCC is not actually free for us, and we ask that you please contribute to support and expand it.

    We recognize that many members of our community have tight finances. If you can’t afford the asked-for registration fee, you can choose to pay what you want on the basis of self-declared financial need, down to and including $0 — with no questions asked and no less access than anyone else.

    Registered online participants will also get a few benefits:

    • online-only LCC11 social events and breakout rooms via Zoom or Discord
    • if registered by March 4:
      • a say in the LCC11 schedule
    • if registered by March 11:
      • ability to order an LCC11 shirt, and contribute your conlang to its design
    • TBD on technical logistics:
      • interactive access to the poster presentations
      • ability to participate in workshop or other interactive LCC content
      • access to presentations via Zoom, with live chat, without YouTube stream delay
      • ability to ask questions by audio/video, not just as relayed text

  3. LCS membership
  4. You can sign up at the door for LCS membership, and LCS new member lapel pins will be available for pickup in person and for at-door registrants. LCS members get a discount on all LCCs, including LCC11. If you sign up (or renew) as a member now, you get the discounted price.

    Email with any questions about your membership status.

    Please also fill out the membership form if joining as an LCS member.

    • $600 — lifetime
    • $35/year — regular
    • $25/year — student/youth
    • as able — financial need

    If you want to be a continuing LCS member, and don’t already have a subscription (or lifetime membership), please subscribe rather than making a one-year payment.

  5. LCC11 shirt (deadline March 11)
  6. LCC11 as vertical logo in brown with turtle-shell fill patternWe are creating a commemorative LCC11 t-shirt this year, and we want to feature your conlang on it!

    The front of the shirt will have a stylized “LCC11” on the left breast (designed by Martin Lebreton aka @volcanojungle, draft version shown here), and on the back will be a word-art of phrases in LCC11 registrants’ conlangs all related to turtles in some way (designed by Joey Windsor).

    Why turtles? The diamondback terrapin is the state reptile of Maryland, and the mascot of UMD, so we’re embracing that.

    You could translate ‘turtles all the way down’, ‘the turtle couldn’t help us’, ‘my hovercraft is full of [turtles]’, ‘wise man say, forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza’ (TMNT), ‘fear the turtle!’ (UMD’s slogan), or any other turtle-themed phrase you can think of.

    To have your conlang included in the design, please send your phrase to Joey at no later than March 11 and follow the instructions below:

    • If your conlang is written in a Romanization, you can provide that in the body of an email, a word doc, or a PDF.
    • If your conlang is written in IPA, that may also be provided in the body of an email, a word doc, or a PDF, but please additionally let me know if you would like it in angled brackets (/…/), square brackets ([…]), or no brackets.
    • If your conlang has a conscript and you wish to use that, it must be provided in .svg format or accompanied with a .ttf or .otf so I can install the font, as well as instructions for using the font. If you submit a conscript in another format (e.g., .docx or .pdf), I cannot guarantee how it will come out on the shirt.
    • In your email, please include the English translation of the phrase you are submitting.

    If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Joey at or on LCS Members’ Slack @j.windsor.

    • $20 in person
    • $30 shipped to US
    • $40 shipped to Canada
    • $45 shipped to any other country

    Note: shirt size here is “men’s” / “women’s” shape per the manufacturer; we know that doesn’t necessarily reflect gender. Shirt sizing won’t be disclosed outside the LCS & LCC organizers.

  7. LCC supporting donation
  8. LCC11 is by far the most ambitious LCC ever:

    • about 26 hours of content — over 50 presentations, almost 40 first-time LCC presenters (for comparison, LCC8 had about 11 hours of content in 24 presentations)
    • first LCC to have multiple tracks and specialty sessions
    • first hybrid LCC (with in person + remote presenters)
    • first LCC to have two invited speakers (Dr. Erin Morarty Harrelson and Dr. Sheri Wells-Jensen — respectively, a Deaf linguist and blind linguist)
    • first LCC to have sign language interpreters (both ASL and BSL)
    • first in-person LCC to have live human captions
    • first LCC to have affinity group meetups

    It is also going to be the most expensive LCC ever. Our current estimate is that it will cost around $13,000, with only a small portion of that covered by grants from the University of Maryland. The registration price is aimed at being affordable — it likely will not cover our actual cost of attendance. And although inflation since 2006 is about 1.6x, LCS membership prices have not changed.

    The LCS has always had a policy of not turning anyone away. LCS membership and LCC attendance are both available on a “pay what you can” basis for people with financial need — down to and including $0. We also provide free registration to local student volunteers who help run LCC11. And we cover costs for invited speakers.

    Your donation helps to cover the true costs of attendance, sponsor others who can’t afford the full cost, provide accessibility for all, and give us the financial reserves needed to switch to a yearly LCC (starting with LCC12 in 2026) with similarly ambitious content and accessibility.

    Donations will be recognized on the LCC11 website, under the name and link of your choice, or anonymously.

    Please list how you want your donation credited in the registration form.


    Click here to pay once you’ve added all standard amount items to your cart:

    Custom amounts

    Due to PayPal limitations, these have to be paid separately from the cart above.


    Registration – financial need