LCC11 call for presentations

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Deadline: January 28, 2025. Earlier submissions are appreciated to make our review process easier.

Feel free to submit multiple proposals, but please make a separate form response per proposal so that it’s easier for us to track & review.

The LCC11 Relay signup is now available. Relay signup deadline: Sunday, February 2.

LCC11 will be a hybrid conference. Both in-person and remote presentations are welcomed.

LCC11 emphasis themes

You are welcome to submit a presentation on any subject at all that is related to conlanging or conlangs. Presentations can be a talk, workshop, panel, performance, poster, etc.

This year, we are particularly interested in presentations about:

  • constructed signed languages or intentional creation within natural sign languages (including tactile)
  • conlanger/conlang community sociology
  • particular conlangs, including talks presented in that conlang (if there are enough proposals related to that conlang to sustain a specialty session for it)
  • veterans & mental health
  • conlang tips: 5-minute pre-recorded presentation of one focused way to do something conlanging related

We particularly welcome proposals from members of groups that are under-represented in conlanging, such as women and minorities.

Types of presentation slots

Generally, we have the following slot categories under consideration:

  • “poster”: no individually allotted time — just time allotted in general for a poster session (if we get enough) & during breaks (as wanted)
  • conlang tip: 5 minutes, pre-recorded only (no live Q&A)
  • lightning: 5 minutes (no live Q&A). Pre-recorded lightning talks are allowed (though live is encouraged).
  • short: 15 minutes (including Q&A). Most language-specific talks on non-specialty sessions (e.g. showing off your conlang without a broader discussion) will be assigned a short slot.
  • medium: 25 minutes (including Q&A)
  • long: 55 minutes (including Q&A)
  • other – performances etc: please specify the duration of the performance (e.g. particular song) so that we can schedule performance sessions appropriately. Pre-recorded performances are allowed (though live is encouraged).
  • other – workshops, panels, film screenings, or other exceptional cases: possibly up to 2 hours (including Q&A). Workshops, panels, etc. are not guaranteed extra time and will ordinarily be assigned a long (55m) slot.

Indicating availability for a shorter slot does not mean you will have any less consideration for a longer slot — just a higher likelihood of acceptance in case it isn’t accepted for a longer slot, since we’ll have the option of giving it a shorter slot instead.

You can choose to not ask for a longer slot if you would prefer to only be considered for a shorter slot (e.g. if you don’t have as much content or if you’re nervous as a first time presenter). First-time presenters will be given equal consideration for longer slots; it is not a negative.

“Poster” just means that you have an easel or table during breaks or a general poster session. It does not need be taken literally, and in particular doesn’t need to include an actual poster — a “poster” presentation can include a poster, but can also be based on e.g. physical artwork, books, or other items for display, interactive items, etc. “Poster” presentations of physical artwork or similar items can be mailed in and do not have to be accompanied in person — though we do prefer you to come in person if you are able, and this requires special arrangements.

Presenter resources

What we’ll give you by default:

  • In person: 1 hands-free microphone, amplification, projector for your slides, slides remote control, and whiteboard/blackboard
  • Remote: video, remote control of slides
  • Poster: easel or table (your choice) and chair

Our default expectations from you:

  • Slides: submit them before the conference. You don’t have to use slides, but if you do, they’ll be run from a specially set up presentation computer, not from your own.
  • Performance, pre-recorded, or presented from a prepared script: submit the text or captions before the conference
  • Remote: your own microphone and headphones, tested in advance. A headset or other combination (e.g. AirPods) is strongly recommended to reduce echo and noise.
  • Poster: the poster or other display materials

Potential additional resources

  • more than 1 hands-free microphone (e.g. panels)
  • document camera (e.g. presenting with paper, live handwriting, or physical objects)
  • live video from your laptop (e.g. running custom code live)
  • assistants
  • mixed-in audio or video (e.g. backing music, samples within slides, audio mixer, electric instruments)
  • electrical connection for poster session
  • wall hanging, or other unusual physical object supports
  • unaccompanied artwork or anything physically mailed
  • remote “poster” (i.e. video chat running on a laptop on poster table together with your physical items)
  • remote content in an in-person presentation
  • any other special equipment or arrangements

We can’t guarantee that we will be able to do this, but we’ll try to work it out with you on a case-by-case basis.

Presentation submission form

Available at this link, and embedded below: