Digital LCC Call for Proposals
Hello Conlangers,
We’re in the process of planning a Digital Language Creation Conference for March 6 and 7, 2021.
If you are interested in presenting at this online conference, please send an abstract with the following information to President <at> conlang <dot> org no later than January 15, 2021:
- Title of proposed presentation
- Author(s) name(s) (with optional affiliation)
- Author(s) email address(es)
- Author(s) local time zone(s) (used for scheduling purposes to try to make time slots convenient)
- Summary of the proposed talk (not to exceed 250 words—not including pictures/graphs/figures/references)
After the deadline for submissions, we will review abstracts and confirm acceptance of those who are invited to present at the conference. At that time, we will indicate the length of presentation the abstract has been accepted for. Presenters will likely have a 30-minute window for presentations (20-minutes for talks, 10-minutes for questions/discussion); a select few presenters will be offered a 60-minute slot (45-minutes for talks, 15-minutes for questions/discussion); presentations on a single conlang by its creator may be limited to 15 minutes total.
Additionally, we are also looking for ideas for panel discussions. If you have an idea for a topic that you would like to hear a discussion on, please submit it to President <at> conlang <dot> org no later than January 15, 2021. If possible, please include up to five people you think would be good to have as part of this panel (including yourself if applicable).
Notifications for accepted abstracts/proposals will be emailed to presenters no later than February 1, 2021.