10. gyâ-zym-bym Text


fĭm-cô-van. mwĭl-van heŋ; ħum-van heŋ.

brĭ hǒl i mwĭl-van. vĭj lǒ i mwĭl-van, Ќ oj ruŋ-ť-zô.

ť ʝâr-i źy ĥy-i trâ-zô sru.

hyw-van źǒ ĥy-kě’ĝu ʝâr-i, gâ lǒ tu-i ť im fâ-ŋĭw ĥy-i žâw-ga-fwa-zô.

źy i ĥy-rĭm mĭ-i hyw-Ќ-van.

pě’hĭ fu-fja pǒ i šî’fy-ħa-šy kâ-i rĭm-Ł-van de. ƥ kâ-i rĭm-Ќ-van heŋ še.

Ќ ĥy-i ĝum-zô bĭw. že ryň-o râ-fwa-zô še Ќ ŝu-i ħum, hǒŋ šî’fy-ħa ĥy-i źum-Ќ-zô.


English Translation

I’m sick.  I don’t sleep; I’m not afraid.

All through the daytime I sleep.  While I sleep, you approach me.

Desire guides your dreams.

The hidden things which make your soul feel things must not know.

I know the things seen in [my] dreams.

People have been seeing a former demon on the dimly-lit road.

Maybe I didn’t see it.

Sorrow rules me.  My fear may cause me to touch the demon.


ENGLISH TRANSLATION of the Mar01 text:

I am sick. I am awake, and lacking fear. You quickly approach while I sleep all day. Wishes guide your dreaming. The hidden things that move you must not know; I knew all the things seen in my dreams. A former demon was seen on those dark roads; I might not have seen it. Sadness controls me. The fear inside me might make me touch the demon.


Grammar and Vocabulary

gjâ-zym-byn (gzb) is an agglutinative language, fairly minimalist lexically, which leads to some long and sometimes not perfectly perspicuous compounds. In the glossary I’ve listed mostly only the root words, particles and suffixes, but also listed a few compounds used in the text where their meaning seemed hard to figure out from the component morphemes. Feel free to email asking for help, or look at the online lexicon for more information.

Root words are nominal, and are turned into verbs, modifiers, postpositions and conjunctions with appropriate suffixes. Compound postpositions, used to mark case roles, are formed using one of the core spacetime postpositions {i, o, ř} as a suffix on a root word for the appropriate abstract concept.

The main verb suffixes are {-zô} and {-van}. {-zô} marks an active (and agentive) verb. {-van} marks a stative (but not necessarily non-agentive) verb. Subject pronouns can be incorporated into the verb.

Typical word order is OVS, but varies since subjects and objects are marked fairly explicitly for theta roles with postpositions. Postpositional phrases almost always precede what they modify. If the postpositional phrases convey enough information by themselves, there may not be any verb. Within a noun phrase, the head noun comes first, followed by its modifiers if any. Morpheme order in compounds is generally head-modifier. Most place, time, etc. complements tend to precede the direct object and verb. If the subject is at the end of a clause or sentence, the subject postposition can be omitted. gjâ-zym-byn allows for omitting the subject when it is the same as in the previous clause, or (at the beginning of a text or an utterance) if it is first person.


=== Lexicon ===

In suffix definitions, the “~” refers to the referent of the stem the suffix is applied to.


bĭw n. sorrow, grief, regret

brĭ n. daytime

cô suff. opposite, reverse, contradictory quality

de mod. nowadays, in those days

fâ n. love, friendliness, affection

fâ-ŋĭw n. soul, mind (in its emotional aspect)

fĭm n. health

fja suff. having a minimal nonzero degree or amount of ~

fu n. light; shining

fwa suff. causative suffix: inducing a state of ~, causing to be ~, to

do or experience ~

ga suff. metaphorical extension of root’s meaning

gâ n. thing, item, entity

ĝum n. power, control, domination, strong influence

heŋ mod. negative, not; no (response)

hǒl mod. whole, entire, total; wholly, entirely, fully, completely, totally

hǒŋ conj. that (introduces subordinate clauses)

ħa suff. disapproval, dislike, contempt attitudinal suffix

ħum n. fear, being afraid

ĥy n. patient, thing acted on, thing affected by an action/process

ĥy-i postp. patient case marker

hyw n. direct knowledge; memory, experience

i postp. at, with, in, near

im postp. in (part of); of, belonging to (body parts)

ʝâr n. experiencer

ʝâr-i postp. experiential case marker

kâ n. noticing, paying attention to something, focusing one’s

attention upon something

kâ-i postp. object-of-attention case marker

kě’ĝu n. hiding, privacy, secrecy

Ќ pron. I, me

lǒ mod. which (relativizer)

Ł pron. one (third-person generic pronoun)

mĭ n. topic, subject, theme

mĭ-i postp. about; topic case marker; topic or focus adjunct for

thinking/saying and experiential verbs

mwĭl n. sleep

ŋĭw n. faculty, body part (functional)

o postp. to, towards

oj postp. coming near but not reaching

pě’hĭ n. road, way, path

pǒ mod. that yonder (distant from speaker and listener; third person


ƥ pron. he, she, they (spirits, people, animals already mentioned)

râ n. occurrence, happening, event, process

râ-fwa-zô v. to cause to happen

rĭm n. seeing, having within view, vision

ruŋ n. going, coming, moving

ryň n. act, action, deed, doing

ryň-o postp. doing; performative case

še mod. maybe, possibly

šî’fy n. spirit; angel, fairy, demigod, daemon, kami, genius loci

šy n. old, former, previous; retired, emeritus; ancien

sru n. wishing, wanting, desiring

ŝu n. possess, have (quality, part, faculty)

ŝu-i postp. of, belonging to (qualities, attributes)

ť pron. you, y’all

trâ n. guiding, leading, ushering, herding

tu n. deliberate actor, agent, doer; base of active participles

tu-i postp. agent case marker

van suff. stative verb suffix

vĭj n. time, duration, while, period; compounded into verbs to mark

durative aspect

zô suff. active verb suffix

žâw n. feeling, sensation, perception

že pron. this, that (event or situation about to be described)

źǒ mod. negative imperative/hortative adverb

źum n. touching, feeling; contact

źy n. dreaming (unreal experiences during REM sleep)