10. Ithkuil Final Text




Żučni’eloa iačhak’wocoss to eixhalexhurzöň tu.
Uţcás oeçthiwa âvasöň. Üm-m eip’attuqhořčúr tei.

Exhalîspoňň ti ígwala smâ’ulüx. Arc’ál te otpombuidduss ekalürtļaň. Heskhatruc’èlxhürtļ.

Ek’amtüc’oňň. Hečnalub tu lchalaň utçočnalařföňiù tei.
Užasúb čnapqa ti
öň heskhatrîštóřç.


At night while sleeping, I create a great many remarkable things, and I alone imagine them for myself.
I dream about them and I enjoy them.
Indeed, I really could achieve every sought-after goal.

However, I see now I’m walking on a vast plain.
All the landmarks deceive me, and I lose my way.
Thus I unfortunately cannot make it to the end of the road.

But then the morning sun begins to shine. I wake up, I stand, and I must be aware of the world.
Oh, how I definitely love the onset of sleep,
and I believe I can reach the end of the road after all.


Below is my translation of the Ree Rεε Kibyaa text which was the basis for the above:


At night while I’m sleeping,
I create a great number of remarkable things,
and all by myself I imagine them for my benefit. I dream about them, I enjoy myself,
indeed I really could achieve every goal I aim for.

However, I see now I’m walking on a vast plain,
all the landmarks deceive me, I lose my way,
and so I can’t get to the end of the road unfortunately.

But then the morning sun begins to shine I wake up, I stand
and must be aware of the world.

May I really love urgently my beginning to sleep and I believe after all I can reach the end of the road.