Contents: Introduction. Phonetics, transcription, terminology, abbreviations. Sound change: the regularity hypothesis. Sound change and phonological contrast. Sound change: assimilation, weakening, loss. Sound change: dissimilation, haplology metathesis. Sound change: epenthesis, elimination of hiatus, other changes. Sound change: structure and function. Analogy: general discussion and typology. Analogy: tendencies of analogical change. Analogy and generative grammar. Semantic change. Syntactic change. Linguistic contact: lexical borrowing. Linguistic contact: dialectology. Linguistic contact: koinés, convergence, pidgins, creoles, language death. Internal reconstruction. Comparative method: establishing linguistic relationship. Comparative reconstruction. Linguistic change: its nature and causes.
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TitlePrinciples of Historical Linguistics (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs, 34)AuthorPublishedMouton De Gruyter 1986
Status:Check Shelves SubjectHistorical LinguisticsMediaPaperback,BookEdition2ISBN0899252214Call NumberHock1986PTypeCirculating BookDescription