Language Creation Society Minutes of Annual Board of Directors Meeting Sunday, January 26, 2014 11 Board members in attendance Agenda item from Membership meeting: - Whether to start investing part of the LCS accounts - Proposal by Inara TABIR on the word "conlang" in dictionaries Prior to the meeting officially beginning, John QUIJADA made a motion to delay meeting due to length of membership meeting. Christophe GRANDSIRE-KOEVOETS, the new LCS President, called the meeting to order. GRANDSIRE-KOEVOETS proposed moving TABIR's proposal regarding getting "conlang" into dictionaries to the LCS Board of Directors listserv for discussion. Motion passed. GRANDSIRE-KOEVOETS proposed moving discussion of investment of a portion of LCS funds to LCS Board of Directors listserv for discussion. Motion passed. GRANDSIRE-KOEVOETS adjourned the LCS Board of Directors meeting.